Thursday 8 October 2015

Gambler’s law of life

Once you have accepted to play on the table of life, you have to keep on playing till the deal is done. There will be many hands and you will never know what cards will come your way. Sometimes you may end up as a winner, and sometimes you may lose it all. If however, you find yourself still sitting at the table, you should take part in the next hand, for sitting there with the fear that you may lose is already a certain sign that you will lose.
To know how to play is to know how to take advantage of each card suit no matter what its value is. The real value and whole profit of the game become clear at its end. The four card suits symbolise the stability in our life – that’s our love (hearts), self-improvement (clubs), values (diamonds) and wisdom (spades). Each hand will bring a combination of different suits and values, and it’s up to us to choose what to keep and what to throw at that very moment.
Keep on playing, even when you are not fond of what card suits and values you hold. If you are expecting high-value hearts in combination with diamonds, and life has offered you only spades, take the most and the best of the spades. When the next hand comes, you will be able to play it right – moreover, you may get the so much desired combination of hearts. Do not spoil a given strong combination only because you think you want something else.
Taking risks, of course, is inevitable as that’s the essence of your life. Do not leave the good luck to rely only on your gut feeling, take full advantage as well of your whole life experience so far. Everything that might not be necessary for the others could be of extreme value to you. Do not reveal your cards until you make sure you have collected the winning combination. Even if you fail, don’t give up – you have already gained some more experience.
Eventually, to become an accomplished gambler of life, you need to know how to play out your aces. They are your weakest and at the same time your strongest cards. Turning weaknesses into strengths is actually the real goal of your life. Ending up with four aces of the highest value in your hand is a sign of successfully wind up the game. Don’t worry, if you can’t collect them all. The final hand will give the opportunity to keep at least one for sure – the ace of spade.

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